RECAP: 83rd City Mixed Team Championship

The 83rd City Mixed Team Championship was held at the Bing Maloney Golf Course on a relatively cool Sunday, August 4th. Twenty-six coed teams competed, and 11 teams were awarded Morton gift cards!
The 2024 City Mixed Champions are the team of Jim and Vicki Philpott who shot a 76 gross and a net 61.5! The Overall Low Gross team, Matvey Pangan and Kayla Diaz, and new to this tournament, shot 66!
There were many ties broken using the USGA method. The 1st place low net winners in Flight 1 are Steve Yates and Nanci Smith with a net 64, winning a tie. John Jaramillo and Phet Holvick, also netted a 64 placing 2nd.
The 1st place low net winners in Flight 2 are Tom Natividad and Sylvia Chu with a 63.5.
The leaderboard has been updated with all the results and prize amounts on the Sacramento Golf Council website.
The players coming closest to the pin on the 16th hole are Johnny Thut and Rachel Truong. They each won certificates donated by Bing Maloney for a foursome including carts.
A huge thank you to all the participants, the Bing Maloney staff and many volunteers that helped ensure that the tournament was successful! Thank you to the teams that donated to the Junior Golf programs. A special thank you to Bing Maloney for your generous donation of two certificates good for a foursome with cart!
I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at future Sacramento Golf Council events, especially the 84th City Mixed! Please let your friends know about this fun team format that will be held on Sunday, August 3, 2025!
Best Regards,
Peggy Chan
83rd Sacramento City Mixed Team Champions, Jim and Vicki Philpott

Overall Low Gross team, Kayla Diaz and Matvey Pangan.