The 55th annual County Mixed Team Scotch Championship will be contested at Mather Golf Course on Sunday, July 6, 2025. The tournament is open to all amateur golfers with an established GHIN Golf Handicap Index. Two-person teams/couples must be made up with one female and one male player.
The July 1, 2025, GHIN will be used to establish player and team handicaps. The maximum handicap difference between partners shall not exceed 20.
The entry fee is $159 per team and includes green fees, range balls and awards (power cart not included). Please call Patty Mitchell, Tournament Director, at (530) 306-0189 regarding cancellations or refunds. The entry deadline is midnight June 27, 2025. Withdrawals prior to the entry deadline will receive a refund less a $10 cancellation fee. No refunds after the entry deadline.
Play will be 18-holes of golf. Each competitor must secure his/her playing partner. Two teams may be paired together if requested. The CHAPMAN FORMAT patterned after foursome play will be used. Both partners hit from their own tee. Each plays a second shot with the other’s ball. After the second shots, a choice is made regarding the ball to be used to continue and the hole is completed by using alternating shots until holed out.
The entry deadline is midnight June 27, 2025.
Register for the tournament online using the link below.
Contact – Patty Mitchell
Open online registration on April 1.
Course Website
4103 Zinfandel Dr, Mather, CA 95655
Patty Mitchell
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- City Mixed Team
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- City Women’s Championship
- County Junior
- County Men’s Championship
- County Men’s Four-Ball
- County Mixed Team
- County Senior & Super Sr
- County Senior Four-Ball
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- County Women’s
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- State Fair Championship
- State Fair Junior
- State Fair Mid-Amateur
- State Fair Women’s
- State Fair Senior & Super Sr
- Valley Senior
- Valley Women’s