California State Fair Senior & Super Senior Championship

*An NCGA Points Tournament*

The 29th annual California State Fair Senior Championship and 16th annual California State Fair Super Senior Championship will be contested on Saturday and Sunday, August 30-31, 2025, at Mather Golf Course.

The tournament is played at scratch and is open to male amateur golfers 55 and older with a current handicap index of 9.4 or less (Senior); 65 and older with an index of 11.4 and less (Super Senior); and 75 and older with an index of 13.4 and less (Legends).

The competition will be stroke-play over 36 holes (18 holes each day).

Seniors will play approximately 6,500 yards (shortened Bomber/Black tees);
Super Seniors will play approximately 6,200 yards (shortened Raptor/Blue tees);
Legends will play approximately 5500 yards (Navigator/Silver tees).

The entry fee is $220 and includes two days of green fees, range balls and awards (power carts not included). Tee time intervals will be 10 minutes.

A tie for the championship in any division will be resolved with a playoff.

The entry deadline is August 20, 2025. There will be no refunds after this date. Withdrawals prior to the entry deadline will be assessed a $10 cancelation fee.

All registration will be online using the link below (no mail-in entries will be accepted).

Contact - Linda DeLong

Open online registration on June 1st.

Course Website


4103 Zinfandel Dr, Mather, CA 95655


Linda DeLong