2019 County Mixed Team
The 50th annual County Mixed Team Scotch Championship was played at Mather Golf Course on Sunday, July 7, 2019.
The overall net champions with net score of 58.5 were Stephen Jiang and Sue-Ping Jiang. The low gross score of 65 was shot by Chris Perry and his daughter Lexi Perry (pictured). Lexi will be defending her Sacramento County Women’s Championship at Mather Golf Course on July 20th and 21st.
Low net winners in the A Flight were the team of Linda DeLong & Tom Marks with a net score of 63. Low net winners in the B Flight were the team of Lisa Mayeda & Abdon Manaloto with a net score of 60.5. Low net winners in the C Flight were the team of Alaina Pacheco & Rich Schaffer’s with a net score of 61.5.