2015 City Mixed Team

2015 City Mixed Team

Bing Maloney Golf Course, Aug 16, 2015
The City Mixed was contested by twenty four teams at Bing Aug 16.
First time Champions Wayne Seefeldt and Susan Magill teamed up to shoot a
net 58. They played to a team handicap of 19.First Flight saw regulars Mike and Kris Handsaker win first at 66.Second Flight was won by newcomers Manaloto and Mayeda at 64.Third Flight won handily by Stephen and Sue Piang Jiang at 62. This team won the County Mixed Championship just a month ago at Cherry Island.

Wayne Seefeldt and Susan Magill 77 58 NET CHAMPIONS
First Flight
Team Gross Net Place
Mike and Kris Handsaker 75 66 1st
Logan Lowe and Sydney Zink 70 66 2nd
Kurt and Josie Garcia 79 67.5 3rd
CJ Meert and Alex Phillips 68 68 LOW GROSS
Cameron LaCasse and Charlotte Wells 80 70
Bob Fleming and Linda DeLong 78 70
Hal and Mary Daby 82 70.5
Jim and Jane Findarle 79 75.5
Second Flight
Team Gross Net Place
Abdon Manaloto and Lisa Mayeda 78 64 1st
Glenn Campbell and Patricia Motmans 79 64.5 2nd
Sean and Dawn Colli 80 65 3rd
Tom Anthony and Katherine Meske 81 66.5
Ron Clemens and Loanna Dramer 81 67
Terry and Linda Wilson 80 67.5
Randy and Lisa Ronning 86 71.5
Greg Stein and Sue Bradford 87 73
Third Flight
Team Gross Net Place
Wayne Seefeldt and Susan Magill 77 58 NET CHAMPIONS
Stephen and Sue Ping Jiang 78 62 1st
Mike and Terry Brown 79 63 2nd
Brad and Mary Lou Moore 81 63.5 3rd
James Williams and Audrey Moore 81 63.5
Michael and Julie Quinn 83 65.5
Tom and Danielle Grace 85 68.5
Myril Hoag and Paula Dorsey 92 71.5


Susan Magill and Wayne Seefeldt, 2015 City Mixed Net Champions

Mike and Kris Handsaker
1st place Flt 1
Stephen and Sue Piang Jiang
1st place, Flt 3
Abdon Manaloto and Lisa Mayeda
1st place, Flt 2